Fjallraven Polar – VOTE for my ARCTIC adventure!

Fjallraven Polar – VOTE for my ARCTIC adventure!
25/11/2019 Anna Sjostrom Walton
Fjällräven Polar is a 300km mission across Arctic Scandinavia with huskies. I'm at my most alive when I'm in the wilderness and, as a UK raised Swede, I long to rediscover my native Sweden in its rawest form. It's a personal mission and to show my kids what I - and they - are capable of. To inspire them as the next generation of adventurous explorers, using our bodies as nature intended. I've applied to represent Sweden and Nordic East in this contest. Please vote for me and share the link!

Fjallraven Polar: Please Vote & Share to make my Arctic dream come true!

I come asking for your help. More specifically, please Vote & Share, to make a Scandinavian dream come true!

I’ve applied to represent Nordic East in the 2020 Fjallraven Polar – a 300km journey across Arctic Sweden, Norway and Finland with huskies.

It just takes 30 seconds to vote using your Facebook account. So I ask that you do 2 things:

1. Vote with this link:
2. Share the link for others to vote 🙂

Voting closes 12th December 2019.

Fjallraven Polar is a 300km journey with huskies across Finland, Norway and Sweden, above the Arctic circle. There will be 24 applicants from around the world taking part in this 6 day event in March 2020. Please vote for me to represent Sweden, as part of the Nordic East team! I feel myself the most when I'm surrounded by nature. I want to inspire the next generation to be our future explorers and adventurers! Please help get me there.

Being in the wilderness makes me feel truly alive. My senses awaken, and I’m a great companion. As you know, through Chalk & Moss, I’ve made it my mission to help others reconnect with nature and to look after our planet. (I’m about to start supporting Just One Tree, who plant a tree for every £1 donated from Chalk & Moss sales.)
I’m Swedish and grew up in England – I miss spending time in the wilderness of my home country!

Please help me with two goals: (1) experience Scandinavia at its wildest & (2) show my kids what I’m capable of, and to inspire them as the next generation of explorers.

You’ll be able to follow my journey all the way through Instagram and the Chalk & Moss blog.

Voting closes 12th December, and I’ve got very stiff competition from fellow Scandinavians, so please help me catch up fast and impress the judges 🙂

Fjallraven Polar takes place above the Arctic Circle, crossing Finland, Norway and Sweden with huskies. Participants sleep in tents in the freezing Arctic conditions.

This 300km long husky expedition across the Scandinavian Arctic will be back breaking, my contact lenses will probably freeze to my eyeballs (or not even make it that far, if they freeze in their containers), I may live on lichen and dried meat, and my tent might blow away. But I’ll have a huskies for warm cuddles (no, they don’t sleep in the tents unfortunately) and hopefully enough bloody minded willpower to get me through! I’d never ever forget this experience. And I’ll never ever forget your support to get me there!

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know how important nature is in my life. You may also have noticed a slight obsession over Fjällräven (as seen in the blog post about the Fjallraven v Acne collaboration).

Please help me reconnect with my True Swedish North!   PLEASE please vote for me to represent Nordic Easy in the 2020 Fjällräven Polar - a 300km journey across Arctic Sweden, Norway and Finland with huskies.   It just takes 30 seconds to vote using your Facebook account. So I ask that you do 2 things:   1. Vote with this link: 2. Share the link for others to vote :)  Being in the wilderness makes me feel truly alive. My senses awaken, and I'm a great companion. I’ve made it my mission to help others reconnect with nature. I’m Swedish, but grew up in England, and I miss my home country! Please help me fulfil two goals: (1) experience Scandinavia at its wildest & (2) show my kids what I’m capable of, to inspire them as the next generation of explorers.  You'll be able to follow my journey all the way!  Please vote for me, the deadline is 12th December 2019!

Please (1) Vote for me to be part of Fjällräven Polar and (2) Share the link for others to join in!
Voting closes 12th December! 

Here’s is my contestant profile page for a one click voting using your Facebook account. You can share this page.

The direct link to my application profile is:

Please help me reconnect with my True Swedish North!

Anna x

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